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This can also be possible by stopping smoking cigarettes; veering away from stressful events; finding ample time to sleep; being well hydrated through lots of fluids especially water and by keeping a positive outlook in life. Why Skin Care Is Important To avoid the early signs of aging, proper skin care should be an essential part of every person's life. Sunscreens that have SPH 15 and higher protect your skin from both UVB and UVA. Get a sunscreen that will also moisturize your skin. This is especially true with people who have dry skins. 2. Enlarged pores Although this is not really much of a problem as compared to wrinkles and lines in the face, some people are still worried about this as large pores are more prone to acne and pimple problems. Whether you have healthy young looking skin or one that is damaged by the sun, you need serious skin care. It is never too early to start worrying about your skin and to find ways to take care of it. It s all about prevention Serious skin care should not only involve ways to combat the aging process when it has already settled in but also to prevent the onset of the aging process. Water Not only will water help you in washing your face, drinking lots of it will also help you get rid of the toxins in the body. In fact, one of the secrets to having great skin is drinking lots of water. Experts recommend at least 8 glasses a day. For people who have digestive problems, about 10-15 glasses is already enough. Then there s the lack of fiber in the diet , which is also key to ensuring the a good digestive process also involves having a good amount of fiber in the diet which not only aids in digestion, but also proves to be very helpful in the excretion of wastes from the human body. Here are good diet suggestions that help in ensuring good and natural skin care: Maximize your water intake, this will not just cool off the body, but will also serve to help cleanse the body of unwanted toxins and freshen up the system. These are alarming health risks that require one to go on a diet, not just for aesthetic purposes, but also for helping ensure that you are taking good care of your health. But going through a healthy diet regimen can be a surmountable, even very difficult, task for many and it is important to get expert opinion on how to go about a healthy diet for optimal results. 

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