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This is basically determined by the degree of oiliness and dryness of your skin. As you will notice, some people are more prone to oiliness than others. Pore sizes also come into the picture. In choosing products, you need to know your type is so that you can buy products that fit you. To determine what type you are, wash your face first and then wait for about 30 minutes. But though it revents the absorption of light, it should not be used to replace sunscreen. Skin care experts still recommend the use of sunscreen for maximum sun protection. Still, vitamin C can be combined with sunscreens for more coverage and longer protection because once this gets into the skin, it cannot be easily washed or rubbed off. AN ARRAY ACNE SKIN CARE PRODUCTS Most dermatologists would agree that the use of acne skin care product should depend on the kind of acne the person has developed. Since cleansing the skin is the first step in treating acne, the first thing the patient need to consider when looking for acne skin care products is finding a good cleanser that is effective and works fast. They encourage people to take natural means as possible because if these are done and followed properly, they can have a lasting effect on the person's appearance and over all health and well being. Experts say that natural skin regimen is the best way to achieve a long lasting, healthy skin. This might include having a balanced and healthy diet and developing a regular work out, exercise or physical activities to keep the blood circulate freely. These days, with the growing numbers of people who suffer from different skin problems, people should be more vigilant in keeping up with a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods. This is very important not only to ensure good skin but also to maintain overall health. Good Food To Good Skin Time and again, nutrition experts say that there are two major keys that lead to good skin these include eating the right amount of food depending on the person s need and lifestyle and eating a range of foods to ensure that the person gets balanced diet. There are actually medicines that can be applied to treat acne but before putting them on your face, you need to first consult a doctor to find out the regimen that will fit your condition and your skin type. Here are some tips on how to take care of acne prone skin. 1. Let it be treated by professionals The earlier you have it medically treated, the better will be the prognosis. 

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