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The Secret to Fixing Oily & Dry Hair

Scientists are working together to find a way to make the surgery work for more people. They also want to see it work better for the types of people who have hair transplants today. One area of research is hair cloning. Hair cloning promises to be a revolutionary procedure that would give people with little hair a chance to have hair transplant surgeries. For example, you might reasonably spend $12,000 on a hair transplant. If you got it done at age 30 and died at age 70, you would have the transplant 40 years. That would average out to $300 per year, or $25 per month. Many of the supposedly low cost treatments for hair loss cost much more than $25 per month. Do not be discouraged if they all seem to have the same plain haircut in the after pictures. This is often the case when the doctor is trying to be truthful. He will have the patients pose with their hair sans hair styling products like mousse or gel. This is to prevent you from getting a false impression of what a hair transplant can do. This is important because your hair transplant will be noticeable if the hairline is not done well. 2. Your hair transplant site will be fuller if you have higher density in your donor sites. The density is based upon the number of hair follicles you have in each section of your scalp. If you have a high number of hair follicles per square centimeter than most people, more grafts can be done, so your hair will look fuller. In this procedure, grafts are made up of 1-4 hairs and are placed over the balding area. This is the usual number of hairs in follicles on a healthy head of hair. By inserting thousands of these follicular units, surgeons can give the appearance of natural hair and hairline. Hair transplant surgery has reached a level where it can produce a result that is virtually undetectable to most people. They may have little or no experience. This is just a way to get names that you can check out. When you contact a hair restoration surgeon, ask to see a portfolio of patients' photos before and after hair transplant surgery. You should be suspicious if you are shown less than a dozen or so sets of pictures. 

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