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CreaClip One Length Hair Cut On Self

A young person will usually want a fairly low hairline. He remembers the way it was just a few short years ago and wants to duplicate the image. A good hair transplant surgeon will discourage a low hairline. Instead, he will campaign for a higher hairline. There are several advantages to this. One is that, with less top hair to cover, more donor hair will be saved. If this is the case, your surgeon will know what to expect. Then, he can take "bald-proof" hair from the sides and back of your head as donor hair and perform the hair transplant. If you have lost your hair because of some kind of trauma or burns, you will also make a good candidate for hair transplant surgery. This requires a very honest surgeon, since the patient may decide the procedure is not worth the scarring it will cause. The next step with such a patient would be to discuss ways the keloid could be covered. It could be camouflaged by wearing the hair just a little longer. Other patients have rubbery skin that stretches too much and so causes wide donor scars. Many of the doctors who advertise there are simply trying to start up a practice in the field. They may have little or no experience. This is just a way to get names that you can check out. When you contact a hair restoration surgeon, ask to see a portfolio of patients' photos before and after hair transplant surgery. This gives him an idea of how best to create the design of the hair transplant receptor sites on your scalp. It might make a difference in the angle of the hair or the direction of the hair. The doctor will show you before and after pictures of his past hair transplant patients. Do not be discouraged if they all seem to have the same plain haircut in the after pictures. The only way they would is if they have some other, good, experience with them. 6. Doctors Who Put Money above the Patients' Interest. Any doctors who make decisions that are not based on the welfare of his patient are following their Hippocratic Oath in its intentions. Doctors are held to a high standard and when a surgeon tries to convince a patient to get hair transplant surgery when it is not best for him, he is not really acting as a doctor should. 

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