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Wavy Hair Tutorial For The Best Curl Definition

They looked quite unnatural; if a person had hair plugs, everyone knew it. They were not only unbecoming, they were also permanent. Improvements were made in hair transplant surgery in the 1980s. Mini-grafts were better, but they still had the appearance of plugs, albeit smaller plugs. These were made up of 5-8 hairs each. Moving them from one place to another does not affect the basic nature of the hair follicle. Also, women do not have the problem of receding hairlines in most cases. Their hair is lost in a more diffuse manner, thinning uniformly all over the head. It is not so much where their hair is that is the problem, but how much they have. However, if the surgeries are handled in the proper manner, the scars are barely noticeable. They are thin to the point that they can barely be seen in most cases. Skilled doctors have ways of making the scars practically disappear. First of all, the surgeon must be very skilled in choosing the site of the path where he harvests the donor tissue for the hair transplant. This is why many people finance their hair transplant surgeries. To get the results they want, they would have to come up with more money than they can gather at one time. Some examples of financing options are credit cards, finance companies, and bank loans. Some finance companies are geared especially to people who are getting cosmetic surgery. If you do not have the cash, your doctor can usually point you to several different financing methods. That way, you do not have to come up with the money all at once. Discuss healing with your hair transplant surgeon. Because you may be having plugs removed, you have more healing to do than someone who is having a routine hair transplant. However, there are some minor complications or side effects that sometimes come with the surgery. 1. Thinning. If you have hair transplant surgery, you might be alarmed if you notice that the hair you already did have is getting thinner. This is a normal post-operative condition. The thickness comes back within a few months after surgery. 

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