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CRAZY HAND CARE TREND IN CHINA 🤲🏻 #douyin #chinese #douyinchina #beauty #handcare #cdrama #makeup

Use fruits and veggies Clich as it is, fruits and vegetables really do have properties that help in keeping the skin healthy. What is more you don t have to eat them. There are fruits and veggies that you can put directly to your skin like the tomato and the cucumber. Of course, eating an apple a day will definitely keep the dermatologists away as apple contains natural nutrients that are really good for the body, especially for the skin. Always avoid touching the face with your bare fingers, especially without sanitizing or washing your hands thoroughly, or allowing the face to come in direct contact with objects that would tend to collect sebum from other people, like the handset of a telephone or borrowing a facial towel, since it may cause your pimples or acne to become more irritated or infected. Acne is characterized by big break outs and pimples in large quantities. It can develop in different areas of the body although frequently found on the face and at the back. Acne often starts from the overactivity of the pilo-sebaceous glands, oil-producing glands. When combined with bacteria, dead skin cells and hormones, these oils are trapped in pores and induces swelling. Below are some tips that can help you in your search for the skin care professional that will not only help you care for your skin but will also help you take care of your whole body and well-being. 1. Go to reputable hospitals Most hospitals will have sections or departments that deal with the skin. One must remember that among the basic skin types, oily skin is perhaps the most sensitive and easily triggered. Although having oily skin will lessen the possibility of developing wrinkles and lines early in life, one will compensate by being prone to acne, pimples and all sorts of blemishes. This is because over-activity of the sebaceous glands make it more likely for the pores in the skin to get clogged. Most skin like this will react badly to dirt and dust. This skin type is often susceptible to acne problems and breakouts. It is then important that the person practice proper hygiene all the time. This is especially true if the person also has oily skin, which may exacerbate the problem all the more. 

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