Always keep a vocabulary list along with a dictionary of Hindi words. Decide to learn at least 10 new Hindi words everyday. Imagine how broad your Hindi vocabulary could be after a week, a month, or a year. As you go on, be determined to gain improvements in spellings, grammar, pronunciation, and construction of sentences. With this, Fijians are now regarded as having the only ethnic group across the globe that are Hindi speakers but are not of Indian background. Around 48 percent of the Fiji population rely on Hindi dialects as means of communication. A huge chunk of this percentage can be linked to individuals having Indian ancestry whose forefathers basically emigrated from India and brought about the Hindi existence within Fiji. Some difficulties Teachers found out that aspirated and unaspirated Hindi consonants are difficult for English speakers. Also, they will need to carefully distinguish four different D sounds and four different T sounds. In English, the unstressed vowels have a schwa sound, making the pronunciation have an UH sound. All female human beings and animals and again those plants perceived to be female are categorized as feminine. Inanimate objects, abstract nouns, and articles can also be pinpointed as either masculine or feminine as accorded by the convention. Hindi grammar has pronouns in the first, second, and third person for a single gender only. Sanskrit Hindi came from the ancient Sanskrit language, and is a member of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. It is related to Urdu, spoken in Pakistan, although Hindi and Urdu use different alphabet systems to represent the sounds. To most people, the Hindi spoken in Delhi is indistinguishable whether it is Urdu or Hindi. Many users of the language also call it Standard Hindi, which is used along with English in the administration of the country s central government. Standard Hindi is also serving as the official language in the nearby island of Fiji. As a language, Hindi evolved from another one, the Prakrit. It emerged from being a local dialect like Braj, Awadhi, and Khari Boli.
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