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Identity Theft Stories: Hear about Josh and Kristi's experience

Even keeping your Social Security number on your wallet can make you a victim of identity theft once your wallet is stolen. If you leave your mails at home or in the office, anyone can steal it and may be able to get personal information from it through your credit records, bank and other bill statements. Know the rules and regulations that are out there that should protect you and keep abreast of the dos and don'ts of giving away sensitive information like your social security number. To learn and understand more about identity theft through social security numbers, point your browser to www.ssa.gov Here you will find a rich resource on anything and everything to do with identity theft and there are special links and articles specifically on identity theft through social security numbers. With enough identifying information, a criminal can assume an individual's identity and conduct a wide range of crimes: for example, applications for loans and credit cards, withdrawals from bank accounts, use of telephone calling cards, or obtaining other goods or privileges which the criminal might be denied if he were to use his real name. Don t answer directly from your landline telephone, nor you d reply straight to the caller in his telephone or mobile unit for any demand on your personal identity number, or number. Queries needing response that you find doubtful should be replied direct to the office referred to, in the call. Possibly, try to research about the whereabouts of the place mentioned, if there are any. Las Vegan Julia Twentyfive knows all too well how identity theft can destroy your life. A thief who stole her purse used her identity to rip off others in a credit card scam. Her nightmare cost her three days in jail, $15,000 and two years of her life to straighten it all out. Metro police say they receive up to 75 new reports of identity theft every week here in Clark County. While the victim and his wife spent more than four years and more than $15,000 of their own money to restore their credit and reputation, the criminal served a brief sentence for making a false statement to procure a firearm, but made no restitution to his victim for any of the harm he had caused. How do thieves get my information? 

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