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Man Sentenced For Mail, Identity Theft & Bank Fraud

If you leave your mails at home or in the office, anyone can steal it and may be able to get personal information from it through your credit records, bank and other bill statements. No one can be immune to being an identity theft victim. In the world that we live in today and the convenience that we give out our personal information, it only makes us unlikely victims to identity thieves. There might be scavengers loitering around for the purpose of following up garbage to get checking account numbers, and other data. 3. Originally approved Credit Cards, or renewals of the same, may be delivered by servicemen who may try to get your personal data that are not commonly asked, such as birthdays, or expiry dates of your card. Carry only the credit cards needed for the current trip. Most people carry all their credit cards with them at all times. The garbage bags are not secure place for old or pre-approved cards. Tear them up before throwing them away. Thieves can retrieve these documents and open credit accounts with new addresses. There are identity crimes that are not solved until after a decade because of the lack of information. Remember that though these crimes may be easily detected through credit card purchases, there are some con artists that do not use that avenue. What they do is just assume your name and personal history and use it as their own. Obviously, the best source of private information is through banks and credit cards, where bulks of cash are stored for easy and convenient payment. For unknowing business person, this transgression happens after the theft has successfully caused damage. Identity theft law covers all bounds of these illegal activities through emails, mails and other transaction cards, brokerage, insurance, and other documentations involving membership. True prevention resides in two arenas the adoption of more effective application-screening procedures by the credit industry and the implementation of responsible information-handling practices by employers. This article focuses on the latter. Experts in identity theft report that an increasing number of cases can be attributed to the fact that some employees in companies use their connection and their position to obtain sensitive personal information of other employees, customers and even contacts and use them for illegal means. 

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