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Mitchell & Webb Sound - Identity Theft

Identity thefts may open new accounts for mobile phones, credit cards and even make larger purchases like buying an apartment and you won't know it unless the credit collectors finally trace the bills back to you after the perpetrators run off with the bills. Therefore, identity theft protection is important, as you have now surmised. It is all the more important of trying to safeguard your credit information from getting into the wrong hands. You must try not to give your personal information to anybody without checking out on them. Make sure that you trust your personal records only to people and institutions that you can trust. Indeed, there is great chance now more than ever that your personal information will be stolen by identity number thieves. Therefore, the question in everyone s mind is: How can we protect ourselves and our families from identity thieves? The first thing that any individuals wanting to be protected from identity number theft must do is to be informed and educated. Watch for people who may try to eavesdrop and overhear the information you give out orally. Carefully destroy the documents that you throw out, especially those with sensitive or identifying information. A crosscut paper shredder works best. Be suspicious of telephone solicitors that call you at your office. Report identity theft to your creditors After you finish filing the report, you'll want to make many copies of your police report. Every creditor and financial institution with whom you do business should receive a copy of that report along with a letter explaining that you have been the victim of identity theft. Ten months later, Frank, of Laguna Niguel, California, had a creditor call him about "her" outstanding debt and it was a lot, a huge lot, including payments for a red convertible that she apparently bought. What is more, the culprit found Frank's business cards and even impersonated her. Frank got weak in the knees and really dizzy when she heard the shocking, almost surreal news. 

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