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Recovering from Identity Theft | Federal Trade Commission

Experts in identity theft report that an increasing number of cases can be attributed to the fact that some employees in companies use their connection and their position to obtain sensitive personal information of other employees, customers and even contacts and use them for illegal means. Some even disclose it to identity thieves for a price. Don t answer directly from your landline telephone, nor you d reply straight to the caller in his telephone or mobile unit for any demand on your personal identity number, or number. Queries needing response that you find doubtful should be replied direct to the office referred to, in the call. Possibly, try to research about the whereabouts of the place mentioned, if there are any. Once it is done, they can then charge purchases on your account without you knowing it. And because your billing statements are being sent to a different address, it may take some time before you become aware that someone is using your card. Criminals may also be able to open up new accounts on your name and use it without paying the bills. In the United States, the highest cases come from age ranging 30 to 39, obviously those from the group of productive working class. Identity theft cases are estimated to be 700,000 people each year, an alarming number where each will spend an average of $1000.00 for the damage. Imagine the disaster if each of these people will spend 3 days clearing themselves instead of personally earning. Now imagine this-you are hounded by credit collectors for purchases you have not made, or worse-you are wrongfully apprehended for a crime you most certainly did not commit. How did this happen? Your personal information and sensitive numbers were never physically separated from you. Unfortunately, carelessly giving away your social security number or other sensitive information may put you at risk for identity theft. As imposed, identity theft law could penalize villains from 15 to 30 years of imprisonment depending on the degree of fraudulent nuisance done, excluding revoked privileges and forfeiture of assets. Each state has passed legislations to act upon any kind of relevant identity theft cases. Each felony is closely monitored by the federal agency to enforce the law. 

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