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What an Identity Theft Victim Can Teach Us About Cybercrime | Sandra Estok | TEDxYoungstown

People are trained so effectively for certain specific purposes, right or wrong. Remember, individuals have personalized objectives to work out with, on various angles they re trapped into. And, possibly, one of those identity number social thefts may be tagging along target workplace areas for their misdemeanors. It is a dual crime because not only is it committed against an individual's financial life and credit history but also against his or her reputation and social standing in the community and in the workplace. In one notorious case of identity theft, a convicted felon have not only incurred thousands of credit card debt by using another person's identity, he was also able to obtain a federal home loan, and even bought homes, motorcycles, and handguns using the victim's name. Ted Burke is a former law enforcement agent who has spent many years dealing with identity theft victims. "They really didn't have an antidote or way to stop the bleeding until we came about. Burke is now the senior regional vice president of Prepaid Legal Services, Inc. in Nevada. His company has offices all over North America and has now partnered with the nation's biggest investigative agency, Kroll Inc. That means, you need to safe guard against friends or family that may have a drug problem or are in dire financial straits. Suspicious of you to think this way sure but as the clich goes, it is better to be safe than sorry, and believe me, sorry is the least of your worries if you become the hapless victim of identity theft. By asuming your name, Social Security number, credit card number, or some other piece of your personal information for their own use. In short, identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information without your knowledge to commit fraud or theft. They open a new credit card account, using your name, date of birth, and Social Security number. It is becoming more of a problem that requires immediate solutions that can really put a stop to it. In order to be able to do something about it and protect ourselves against it, we must first be able to understand what it is. Identity theft happens when someone you do not know begins using your personal information for fraud and other crimes without your knowledge. 

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