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Woman tracks down her alleged identity thief | A Current Affair

Obviously, the best source of private information is through banks and credit cards, where bulks of cash are stored for easy and convenient payment. For unknowing business person, this transgression happens after the theft has successfully caused damage. Identity theft law covers all bounds of these illegal activities through emails, mails and other transaction cards, brokerage, insurance, and other documentations involving membership. Frank got weak in the knees and really dizzy when she heard the shocking, almost surreal news. After which she got mad as heel, and decided then and there that she would fight against these kinds of crimes if only to avenge what happened to her. Most guides on preventing identity theft focus on steps consumers can take, such as shredding their trash and protecting their SSN. Protecting ourselves from identity theft will primarily depend on us. We must be able to understand that such a problem exists and we must be very careful in giving our personal information to anyone. Our personal information has become one of our very valuable possessions. We should be able to treat it like gold. What steps should you take to protect your identity with credit cards? Ask stores at which you are applying for credit how they safeguard credit applications. Ensure that they are treated as secure documents. Ask businesses how they store and dispose of credit card transaction skips. Ensure that proper safeguards are in place to treat these documents securely. Originally approved Credit Cards, or renewals of the same, may be delivered by servicemen who may try to get your personal data that are not commonly asked, such as birthdays, or expiry dates of your card. Refrain from it, instead, tell them to send you a written message, bearing the letterhead of the originating office that they need it, to add to your resume. Though identity theft cases left many victims alone, hurdling to claim innocence, companies never stop finding security alternatives even to the point of hiring reputable hackers themselves to help them with their system loopholes. The hackers who did most of the illegal system interventions are the one s who know the solution. 

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