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Soon airbrushing would be used to paint Pin-Up girls on to the American planes during WWII. This is where airbrushing started showing up in the more modern world in the form of art. In the 1940 Walt Disney would show the world a new use for airbrush art. Walt Disney would take airbrush art to the animated screen. This video will show you everything you need to comprehend about pin striping so that you can reach professional level pin striping. With this video you can learn about the design and application process, the different types of airbrushes for pin stripping and which brush is right for which job. Learn about choosing paints and other material that you will need. The publication has buyer's guides, tips and tricks, artist bios and so much more that is sure to be appreciated by any airbrush artist. By offering a major theme each month there is more chance of appealing to a wide array of readers. If you are into automotive airbrushing then by grabbing one of their automotive issues you are guaranteed to get an issue that really goes all out on automotives instead of just a few mentions in the magazine on that particular niche of airbrush art. So make sure that you have washed and fully dried your material before you begin. Leather needs to be wiped down with rubbing alcohol prior to doing any airbrushing. This will remove the oil that is on the leather. The oil will prevent the paint from sticking to the surface. Make sure that all the leather has been wiped down and that the alcohol has dried before beginning. Airbrush art kits give you the necessary tools to get you started creating your own airbrush art tattoos. These kits come in a variety of sizes and price ranges depending on the dealer you are purchasing them from. Some dealers also will offer low grade products for a low price making you think you are getting a deal. The trigger will control the air and the amount of paint that comes out is determined by the needle adjustment on the back of the airbrush handle. Dual action is when the trigger on the airbrush controls both the air and paint. The trigger is pressed down for the air and back for the paint. Now when it comes to the feed on the airbrush there are three types of feeds that you can choose from. 

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