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How to make a wire wrapped pendant using beads!

Simple techniques will give you a better understanding of the process and allow for you to have a foundation in which to build on. When you first try using an airbrush you need to use a cheap surface that you can just practice with. A simple black paint with work for this. No need to buy additional colors. For the paint you have an internal mix or an external mix. The internal mix is when the air and the paint both mix inside of the airbrush. This will create a atomized fine dot spray pattern. This makes the internal mix a good choice for fine detailed work in your airbrush art. The point at which they come together is in the head assembly. The 1960s brought us even closer to what we now know we can do with airbrushing. Airbrush art in the 1960s made its way into the music world. Album covers were done using airbrush art to create the whole hippy style images. The wild psychedelic artwork that was popular with that era were done thanks to the use of airbrushing. Automobiles and motorcycles are another areas where airbrush artists can get creative and create masterpieces. Many artist are making a name for themselves with custom airbrushing art onto automobiles and motorcycles. The cost for this art is expensive and you can cut your costs down by learning how to do it yourself. It may take awhile but with the limitless supply of images and artwork on the internet it is sure to keep you supplied with some inspiration. Sometimes you just need to step back and take a breather to get your inspiration back. If you find that you are not getting inspiration no matter where you are looking then it is definitely time you stepped away from the airbrush art for awhile. When you take it apart to clean soak it in a commercial grade cleaner overnight. The next morning take an airbrush cleaning brush to it. Make sure to oil your airbrush up before putting it back together. Most artists find the using their airbrush without the needle cap gives them more control. Removing the needle cap is fine but should you hit your airbrush against something or drop it you could end up damaging the needle itself. 

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