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The purpose of these parts is to control atomization of the paint spray. Should these parts become dented or damaged in anyway you should replace them immediately. Damage to the air cap and head assembly will effect the performance of your airbrush. Thus like the needle you will be unable to create desirable airbrush art. The great thing with airbrush art is that you really do not have to know how to draw. All you need to know how to do is successfully use the stencil that you wish to use for your design. The main key is learning how to control the airbrush gun so that you can get the paint only where you want it and not overcast the paint where you do not want it. This could give you a little bit more of an edge over taking a work shop where the instructor has many people to teach at one time. Once you have mastered your skills in micro airbrush art you will be amazed at the amount of detail that you can place in any airbrushing project. This ability will help set you apart from the rest of the competition and allow you to reach the top of the airbrush art industry. You get what you pay for and when it comes to airbrush art you need to go with names that you can trust. A lot of knock offs also will give for a harder time finding replacement parts when they tear up. Knock offs will tear up quicker than the name brands. So save yourself the hassle of being in the middle of your airbrush art project on your automobile and find yourself unable to get replacement parts for your airbrush equipment. Advanced Airbrush Art DVDs Once you have learned the basics with airbrush art, you can start to learn more advanced techniques. These advanced techniques will help you to render more imaginative art. Videos can help you learn this advanced airbrush art techniques. You can also get videos that will help you learn how to render a specific design that will fit with the airbrush art you are trying to create. She is there to show you how to do airbrush art, help you quickly spot your mistakes and learn how to advance in your techniques. Shanteau is truly a gifted airbrush artists and the chance to learn from her will greatly benefit any artist from beginner to advanced. Her styles and techniques are unique to her and she is openly offering to show them to others who truly want to learn airbrush art. 

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