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10 Attitudes for Leadership Development by Dr Myles Munroe

This is because knowing how to motivate oneself would help a person deal with challenges that would come along the way. It will also serve as an inspiration that would keep their spirit high no matter how trying the times are. To help develop better leaders during leadership development, you must help them discover their purpose in life. Developing leaders on the job There is tension among the CEOs who want to develop their people by moving them about and in their need to develop them in their expertise in certain areas. Other companies solve it by leaving their leaders in their exact productive places and having them rotated in other jobs through short-term work assignments. The problem with this is that because of the high demand, the price for participating or instituting such a program via an outsider is often exorbitant. There is, of course, a very simple solution for those who want to avail of training in leadership development: do it on your own! It is actually easier than it sounds. This pressure to succeed is why leadership development programs are highly in demand nowadays. Leadership development may sound like some archaic business buzzword but all it boils down to is that leadership can be trained into people. Of course, this is a fact leading people is a skill like any other and can be taught. Try to set a goal for yourself that is both attainable and reasonable. Nothing discourages more than failing a plan. b) Have A Reason You probably have a reason for doing all of this. Remember that goals are not reasons; reasons are what drive you towards a goal and not the goal itself. It can be difficult to differentiate the two but it is important to know exactly why you want something; is it personal pride or something more. Globalization Future leaders will have to be familiar and fluid in doing business on a global basis. Globalization, in effect, will require leaders to deal with more and more complex groups outside the realm of their organizations. There will be more components involving international markets, global economic trends, and outside regions like the Asia Pacific rim, the Southern Hemisphere, etc. 

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