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A Leader's Emotional (un)Intelligence, Leadership Training Video

Today s leading-edge companies (Pepsi, IBM J&J) have been quantifying the benefits of spending time and resources on leadership development for years. In the future, it is likely that leadership development investments will be a priority of organizations committed to this end. However, plans are afoot to maximize ROI for leadership development efforts by way of effective planning, implementation and evaluation. Learning To Lead: Leadership Development And You When you suddenly get the job of heading an organization, it can be pretty overwhelming. The responsibilities inherent in managing people can get to you. This stress is not limited to being the head honcho of an organization. Mid-level managers and team leaders face the challenge of dealing with people on a lower rung and this can be difficult to do in a manner that is beneficial to the company. Bad leaders lower this confidence and wrecks the relationship between employees and management. b) Lowers Employee Loss - One of the advantages of having high employee happiness is that they are less prone to leaving. This prevents the loss of skilled and trained workers and enables your company to work at a consistent level of performance. Promising leaders early identification Spotting promising leaders early on can result in their earlier development. Some companies who have internship programs use the time the interns spend with them to evaluate their potentials. Companies who nurture their future leaders early on believe that they have a competitive edge. For some people, having big dreams work on them because they are looking forward to big rewards in the future that is why they are giving their best this early. While some people opt to have small dreams because they want to make sure that they will be able to accomplish that dream and won't have to deal with defeat or failure in the future. Today, one of the most common and effective approaches that are being used in leadership development is incorporating the concept of self-motivation. This is because many experts believe that leaders these days need lots of reflection and self-assessment. Self motivation is very important for leaders because it will help them know what are their strengths as well as their weaknesses. 

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