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AT&T - Leadership Development Program | AT&T

Now, there have been drastic changes when it comes to leadership development because it is less formal and more interactive. Aside from prepared presentations, leadership development these days are more personal because it focuses on the issues that hinder the person from bringing out his or her inner leadership skills. Organizations began to develop leaders and leadership competencies that matched and were specific to their particular business challenges and goals. Leadership competencies were then fitted to a best-practice organization s particular strategy and its business model. Individual application Needless to say, this particular perspective had also been implemented and brought to the individual level. Leadership development may sound like the latest business buzzword but it's actually been around a long time. Training people to become good leaders has been part of military training, as seen in the officer candidate programs often found in most modern armies. Creating a good operational hierarchy has always been an effective tool of businesses in the past centuries this is often assured by training the heirs of the business early. Being open-minded means more than being able to accept changes in your work environment this also means that you should be open to the chance that you ar mistaken. Negative feedback helps you improve and make you more efficient as a leader. 2) Be a planner - Another thing that leadership training emphasizes is planning. It's also about learning skills that are helpful in your job as leader. Some of these skills are administrative ones like balancing a schedule or writing an assessment report. Some of them are about interpersonal skills; part of being a good leader is being able to relate to your subordinates in a way that does not stifle them. For some, it it s their personal issues and problems while others is because of their inability to understand and accept certain situations. To be able to overcome these issues and emerge as a better leader, you must: - Forgive yourself and let the past go. Experts say that many people have the great potential to become effective leaders only that they cling on so much to the past and couldn t forgive themselves for the mistakes that they have committed. 

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