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Confidence Bias With Andromachi Athanasopoulou | Oxford Women's Leadership Development Programme

Developing leaders on the job There is tension among the CEOs who want to develop their people by moving them about and in their need to develop them in their expertise in certain areas. Other companies solve it by leaving their leaders in their exact productive places and having them rotated in other jobs through short-term work assignments. This is very important because if one keeps an open and positive outlook towards life in general, he or she will be able to overcome the everyday struggle that would come along the way. Also, if the leader has a positive outlook in life, he or she will be able to turn failures into successes by seizing each opportunity that knock on the door. Leadership Development: Facing The Challenges Of Leadership The problem with being a leader is that it can be often a burden. This is because it's a hard thing to be responsible for other people. Most people try to avoid responsibility as much as they can. However, sometimes, you're drafted into being the head honcho of a team. If you've been marked to move up the corporate ladder, you will be exposed to or be asked to attend some learning courses or training programs. This may take the form of a short retreat or maybe a conference. Most companies know that investing a lot of time and money into a potential leader can be very beneficial This is because talent always pays off in the end. 2) Be a planner - Another thing that leadership training emphasizes is planning. Good planning will almost always assure you of a positive for any situation that you are in. You will not believe how difficult it is to plan sometimes. This is because most people prefer to take things as they come. This is mostly because most of the time we have a laid-back culture. No matter what type of leadership development is preferred the formal or the laidback setting experts say that there is one surefire way to get the best our of people. This is by helping them discover the power of self motivation. A different leadership development approach Leadership is effective when an organization runs orderly and its people are working in a harmonious setting. 

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