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Dr. Myles Munroe: The Ten Attitudes For Leadership Development

This can be done by trying to see the good in bad at all time or whenever possible. If leaders are able to overcome obstacles, he or she would soon develop the habit of looking for ways that would help him or her overcome that problem. - avoid too much thinking. During leadership development is the best time to tell leaders to stop thinking at all times over something. Leaders are usually burdened by negative thoughts and feelings. Because of these, they are easily swayed and would eventually commit mistakes. During leadership development training, you can help your participants to develop positive thinking by telling them that it is not healthy to dwell on things that are beyond their control. If a leader is inspired and motivated, he or she is able to develop a good outlook in life and this will pave the way for good leadership. In fact, he or she might even be surprised of the things that were able to accomplished in that span of time. Leadership Development thorough inspiration If you are one of those who are conducting leadership development, it would be best to include motivation in your talks and sets of activities. While some people opt to have small dreams because they want to make sure that they will be able to accomplish that dream and won't have to deal with defeat or failure in the future. - Always take one step ahead. Leadership development on your own means you have to be able to continuously motivate yourself despite so many problems. There will be more components involving international markets, global economic trends, and outside regions like the Asia Pacific rim, the Southern Hemisphere, etc. There will be an extensive use of the internet in the marketing of products and services. Technology The revolution in technology has drastically altered organizational life. For one to develop positive attitude, he or she must undergo self-reassessment to find out what are his or her strengths as well as the weaknesses. Once all of these have been identified, it will be easier to turn the bad ones into good ones and there would also be greater chances of making the positive ones better. 

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