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Great leadership starts with self-leadership | Lars Sudmann | TEDxUCLouvain

And if you keep thinking about your defeat, you will undergo a never ending cycle of blaming yourself for the things that you did not really opted to do. - Have a dream and hold on to it. To lead is not easy task to start with. It would require lots of efforts and self-assessment to be able to maximize your full potentials as leader. That is where leadership development comes in. Being a leader is not exactly a natural talent. Yes, anyone can stand up and give people orders. That may fulfill the most basic meaning of the word leadership but what most organizations or businesses are looking for is effective leadership. That is a whole different story. Leadership development may be strategically important, but it is altogether expensive. Today s leading-edge companies (Pepsi, IBM J&J) have been quantifying the benefits of spending time and resources on leadership development for years. In the future, it is likely that leadership development investments will be a priority of organizations committed to this end. To help people with innate leadership skills achieve their fullest potentials, it is a must for them to undergo leadership development as soon as possible. However, individual leadership development may be hard at first since it is not easy to deal with different personal characteristics that usually hinder the effectiveness of a person's leadership. This is in answer to the argument that it is not likely for all leaders to possess the same set of competencies to make themselves or the organization a success. The new perspective is this: Leaders should not be accountable for their particular set of behaviors. Rather, they are to be held responsible only for the desired outcomes. Making Leadership Development Effective Leadership development is one of the keys to keep leaders of a certain organization moving. This is one thing that helps them achieve goals that they have set for themselves and for the company. However, not all leaders of companies realize this early on that is why they are having problems with other heads of the company. 

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