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How to Deal with Difficult People | Jay Johnson | TEDxLivoniaCCLibrary

(This is in direct contrast to the self-promoting styles of well-known business leaders before them who did not have enduring positive impacts on their companies after they exited.) Return on investment The strongest pressure of leadership practitioners in the future would be to demonstrate ROI (return on investment). You might be confident enough in your leadership abilities but those higher-up have to make sure that you are doing the best that you can at the job. The following are two reasons why leadership development programs are good for you: a) Better self-assessment Most of the time we're often blind to our own faults. However, sometimes, you're drafted into being the head honcho of a team. It can be a small group of people or maybe even an entire department, but the pressure is all the same for you to lead them to success. This pressure to succeed is why leadership development programs are highly in demand nowadays. Improving Your Leadership Skills: Creating Your Own Leader Development Plan Leadership development is the current in-thing within business circles. This is understandable because great leadership has often been the cause of great business success, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs being two illustrative examples of what good leadership can do for companies. The problem that some companies face is that management can't seem to connect with the employees. The barrier is often there because of corporate culture people don't want to complain nor do they want to stand out unless they want to risk getting axed. The Japanese have a saying that the nail that stands out is going to be hammered. Indeed, the most powerful thing that can help a person get started to be a better is when they discover their purpose in life. Once you were able to help them do this, they can find the reason in their hearts why do they want to be motivated and become a better leader. During leadership development, encourage them to always be thirsty and hungry for something. 

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