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Leadership Development Program (LDP)® Story: Anand Tanikella | CCL

Today, more and more people who conduct leadership development try to incorporate motivating the participants because this is one of the keys in helping people get rid of negative emotions. When people are cleared from negative vibes, they will be able to think more clearly and would be able to see things in a positive way. Being a leader might be easy for some but for others, this is a very difficult to be effective in it. Make your participants understand that if they start small and simple, he or she will be able to accomplish these goals the easier and faster way. If simple goals are set and achieved this early, they will be able to earn self-confidence that they will need in facing greater and bigger challenges ahead. Training employees up to par is an expensive and time-consuming process and you would be wise to avoid having veteran workers leave. c) Better Worker Performance Happy employees work better. This is a fact. Having your people be content to be working their jobs is not just enough though. Good leaders can inspire their followers to work better and to do more for their company. Leadership Development: What It Means For You Being an efficient leader takes more than natural talent. Some people think that being a leader is all about giving orders. That is a very incorrect assumption. Being a leader is about taking command and being an inspiration. Issuing orders alone is not going to cut it the orders have to be correct and logical and they have to be given in a manner that it encourages the work to be done. This is where you tally up the costs in money, time and dedication that you have to put into it. Reschedule your business time and budget your money. This way when it starts you don't have to worry about anything. e) Action Phase and Post-Action Assessment Now, you've done all of that, it's time to get it done. Leadership is about being an active part of the process. This is what is called leading from the front . Haven't you had that energizing feeling when your boss pulled up his sleeves and got down and dirty? Inspirational leadership goes hand-in-hand with active leadership. Don't be passive and sit behind the desk all day; admittedly it's a part of your job but going into the trenches and getting active feedback from your subordinates and gauging the morale of the group is also part of that. 

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