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Leadership Development Programme Participant Experience - Betty Sheila Nyaga

It should also include reflective journaling, executive coaching, and well as continuous mentoring. It should also involve goal setting that should follow an assessment of key developmental needs. Then, the evaluation of how goals can be achieved after a given period of time. An effective leadership development training should include not only have the component of experiential learning but should also focus on self efficacy which include the right training and coaching as well as visioning which aims to develop the ability of the leader to formulate a clear image. Strategies and business models In the past, leadership development programs that were put into action had not been very successful in bringing profound changes. This brought a change in perspective among those who implemented them. Organizations began to develop leaders and leadership competencies that matched and were specific to their particular business challenges and goals. Leadership Development: Facing The Challenges Of Leadership The problem with being a leader is that it can be often a burden. This is because it's a hard thing to be responsible for other people. Most people try to avoid responsibility as much as they can. However, sometimes, you're drafted into being the head honcho of a team. During leadership development, you can tell the participants to: - never stop learning. Experts say that once leaders realize that life is never-ending journey to learning, they will be able to find ways to their successes. To keep one's self-motivated, tell leaders not to stop learning because this opens up to new worlds of possibilities that are waiting to be explored. Time and money investment To cut to the chase, running leadership development programs is expensive both in money and time. CEOs, however, think that this is the single best investment they make in their company. Many companies claim they are all interested in developing leaders. Today, most of the companies evaluate their own executives partly on how they develop people. There is nothing that discourages more than failure and failing to reach your goals can be devastating to your self-esteem. b) Skill and Value Assessment Now that you know what your target goal is, it's time to check if you've got what it takes. You need to sit down and have a moment for self-reflection. 

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