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Seth Godin – Leadership vs. Management - What it means to make a difference

Although it is sometimes healthy to be competitive in terms of achieving goals, there would always be times when people will get tired of running after so many things because they don t want other people to finish before they do. More often than not, people who compare themselves with others are the ones who are left behind without anything because they spend too much time thinking how they could outlast the other person, thus, neglecting his or her own priorities. One question: What type of person or personality makes the best leader? Leadership personality One can imagine that the person who has the greatest success, heading the largest organization or corporation is the one that makes the best leader. It is possible. On the other end of the pole, could a person with a little drive or entrepreneurial skills end up being a leader? If you have any negative habits that may hinder you, take them into account. Yoo do not just make nebulous plans here. You have to settle on solid actions that will help you reach your goal do you need to attend a seminar? What deadlines do you have to meet? Do you need to read more books? Draw up all of these plans and put them in black and white this way it seems more solid and achievable. While you're doing all of this, write it down this is important for the next stage. 3) Getting It Done You've got the plan in hand, now you've got to make it happen. Implementing your plan may be a bit difficult change is never easy, after all. The first thing to keep in mind is to not give up; self-improvement always pays off in the end as long as you stick to your guns and get the desired results you'll be fine. 2) Be a planner - Another thing that leadership training emphasizes is planning. Good planning will almost always assure you of a positive for any situation that you are in. You will not believe how difficult it is to plan sometimes. This is because most people prefer to take things as they come. This is mostly because most of the time we have a laid-back culture. The former focuses on the individual traits of the leaders and targets that person s strengths and weaknesses. The latter is mainly focused on using people that surrounds that leader to. This means that interpersonal and social skills are assessed to be able to help the leader develop his or her innate skills. 

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