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Stephanie talks about her experience in the Marketing Leadership Development Program

They don t realize that there are those leaders who rely or depend on other people or experiences just to keep them going while there are those who rely on themselves in bringing out their leadership skills. If you are part of a group that conducts leadership development, then you must know that using the traditional and formal approach no longer works. This is because most often the key to a succesful business is good leadership and having a style of leadership that enhances company performance is what most executives and managers are looking for. Here's some steps to follow to get your commanding skills up to par: 1) Self-Assessment Is Where It Begins Knowing yourself and your capabilities is always at the root of developing your skills. The barrier is often there because of corporate culture people don't want to complain nor do they want to stand out unless they want to risk getting axed. The Japanese have a saying that the nail that stands out is going to be hammered. He problem is that sometimes that nail is standing out for a reason. However, instead of feeling depressed and sulk into the taste of defeat, you can tell these leaders to use these opportunities to make themselves stronger by using these very emotions and experiences to motivate his or herself to become better. One secret to being a good leader is when they know how to motivate themselves. Leadership development is very important for a company because it helps the employees and its leaders to be updated on how to make the company stronger in terms of strengthening its human resources. It is also important because the activities during leadership development reintroduce the employees various concepts that will help them adjust in the company and how to deal with its leaders. This way there will be no confusion on the way you have to go to improve yourself. Next, leadership development emphasizes strict self-assessment. People often say that they know enough about themselves but that is, most of the time, wrong. This is because most people like to think well of themselves they don't like to get into the nitty-gritty details of their personality. 

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