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The building of the Center of Character and Leadership Development

- Encourage the leaders to know themselves. This would enable them to take note of their weaknesses and find ways on how to overcome, manage, and deal with them. The same works for their strengths because they might even find a way on how to improve them. - Ask them to find time to share and help others. One method of systemic leadership development is to make sure participation involves more than simple training. Meaningful integration They contend that there should be an array of developmental experiences to be designed and implemented that should be meaningfully integrated with one another. These efforts must also be ongoing and not just a single program or a one-time event. Experts say that for one to develop a positive outlook in life, he or she must be able to keep a positive attitude first. Once positive attitude is set, it is easier to look things in an orderly way. For one to develop positive attitude, he or she must undergo self-reassessment to find out what are his or her strengths as well as the weaknesses. Another thing to expect from a company's leadership development program is added work. It's like what the old saw says, The reward to a job well done is more jobs. This may seem discouraging, but additional work, especially work that is usually outside of your purview, is a blessing in disguise. This enables you to expand your skills and learn a lot more about the working of the company which is exactly what the company wants. 2) What Are You Going To Do About It? - By this time, you should know exactly what you're capable of and your limitations. This is where you need to get planning. Look at your negative traits how can you offset or eliminate them? Are they really negative traits for your job? Are the positive traits that you listed really positive? And in return, it will be easier for you to come up with better leaders out the participants. Simplicity is the key Experts say that it is only common for leaders to feel depression, anxiety and defeat if their and their personal lives have been giving them so many tests and trials. However, instead of feeling depressed and sulk into the taste of defeat, you can tell these leaders to use these opportunities to make themselves stronger by using these very emotions and experiences to motivate his or herself to become better. 

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