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WHAT MAKES A GOOD LEADER? (Leadership & Management Skills Training!)

It also boosts their confidence and helps them to contribute more to the company via their observations and plans. b) Better rapport with employees Leadership development emphasizes better relationships with your subordinates. Inculcating this into your middle management corps will reap you dividends in your relations with those at employee level. The leadership development activities before were only confined to Masters in Business Administration (MBA) style programs that are usually offered in prestigious universities and business schools. But now, the trends in leadership development have shifted into a more laid back and personal setting. Although there is still the serious and formal aspect of it, many people who conduct it are incorporating other means to motivate the participants to actively join the sessions. Strategic assignment choices In a typical leadership development process, two-thirds of the candidates come from job experience, one-third from mentoring and coaching and a smattering come straight from classrooms. Mixing job assignments are tough, even if they looked okay at first. Organizations tend to assign people based on what they are good at, and not on what they need to work on. It's kind of like being a good soccer player or a good player. Some people have the natural talent to be a leader. Some people need a little push in the right direction. The problem with being suddenly handed the big chair is that, unless you've had previous experience, you might not know which of the two are you. The following are some of the more recognizable leadership personalities, different though they are in more ways than one. Powerful leader He is the king, the lion in an organization. He is the type of person who wants to be in the driver s seat. His personality notwithstanding, the strength of his leadership comes from good decision-making skills which come naturally. This also gives them a chance to plan for the future and give the company a clear set of goals that the company can aim for. e) Cultivates New Innovations Effective leaders encourage a culture that develops talent. This is because good leaders recognize that they cannot see everything and do everything. 

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