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5 steps to start your small livestock farm

Livestock farming in South Africa include dairy farming, sheep and goat farming, poultry and pig farming, beef farming, game farming, and aquaculture. Dairy farming South Africa s dairy industry is significant to labour production for it employs roughly 60,000 farm workers in about 4,000 milk producers. Before doing anything else, you have to know what you are going to use the trailer for. Is the trailer for back road use or for traveling on the highway? Aside from that, you also need to know the type of farm animals that will be transported as well as the estimated total weight of the cargo. 2. Check if your tow vehicle is designed for handling a trailer. Your financial resources Raising farm animals can be costly, especially when the markets go awry or when your animals suffer from diseases. Make sure you have enough money to spare should unexpected expenses show up. Your time Being an owner of farm animals means devoting much of your time feeding your lambs, treating sick horses, and cleaning the barn, among many other tasks. Burial Burial is an advisable option only for small number of animal carcasses. However, carcasses must be buried as soon after death as possible. For some law, burial sites are suggested to be at least 100 feet inside your own property lines. Also, burial site must be in well drained soils and no nearby streams, surface waters, wells, springs, or other water supply facilities within 100 feet of the burial site must be ensured. Livestock producers place selected males and females of one species in the same area and allow them to mate at random. Farmers practice inbreeding by mating animals that are closely related to each other. This method produces a pure breed of livestock. Livestock owners select animals for inbreeding by studying their pedigrees, which list the traits of animal s ancestors. As a livestock farmer, you also have to know your reasons for doing so, as this will help you determine the right breed to choose and the feeding systems you will use for your animals. Some people raise sheep for its environmental benefits. Sheep are ideal farm animals to raise for vegetation control because of their small size as well as preference for mixed diet and upland grazing. 

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