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African Farmers Raise Millions Of Livestock This Way - African Farming

Whereas most consumers know livestock animals in their appropriately packaged forms as pieces of meat in plastic bags and Styrofoam, the business of livestock breeding and animal husbandry is still, without a doubt, a huge business. With the spread of mad cow and foot-and-mouth diseases in the recent years, the topic is of no minor importance to every consumer of livestock products. As long as your pigs are raised and treated humanely, their pork will be very much in demand in the market. However, the low prices of pork and the high overhead costs are keeping may hog operators to earn much profit from their pigs. That being said, you must be sure that you tap only profitable markets to ensure income from your piggery. Livestock owners select animals for inbreeding by studying their pedigrees, which list the traits of animal s ancestors. Livestock that are closely related to each other have similar genes, which are transmitted to their offspring. These offspring may have a high concentration of the parents favorable genes. Use simple tenses of words only such as place instead of placing. Second, do not use animal or individual for it is too generic. It is best to state what specific animal you are describing. Third, avoid using lacks or lacking. These words are non-descriptive; be more detailed in description. Further, do not use it for animals have gender. Muslim holidays such as the Eid ul-Fidr (Festival of Fast-Breaking) and Eid ul-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice) are the ideal time to sell sheep and goats in public auctions. Moreover, when you aim for a certain holiday, place your sheep or goats in the market place at least one week in advance. Keep yourself updated on market reports, but do not rely on them heavily. Milk Goat milk contains low amounts of lactose, making it a great alternative for cow s milk. It is ideal for people who are lactose intolerant but want to get the nutritional benefits of milk. Appearance and breed are two main considerations when selecting a goat for its milk. The best milk-producing breeds are the Nigerian and Nubian goats because they produce large amounts of milk. 

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