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Summer Makeup Tutorial: 11 Sweatproof Products to Beat the Heat! 🔥 | Dominique Sachse

Food and Skin Care You are what you eat, as many would say, and surely, whatever you eat, shows in the appearance of your skin, thus, it is important to know the importance of correlating food and skin care. Millions of people all over the world suffer from the most common food related disorder known to modern man today, which is obesity and science has indeed proven time and again that the food we eat is shown on the appearance of our skin. Some companies have even developed facial wash for men, a skin care staple that men would not have bought a decade ago. Below are some of the products that have captured the interest and fancy of the male population. Mask it! Who would have thought that women will see the day when men will go to sleep with clay or mud all over their face? Never ever sleep while still wearing your make-up This is perhaps the most cardinal rule when it comes to facial care. Make-up that is left on overnight can clog the pores and trap the dead skin cells inside with the hair follicles. This may cause blackheads and even acne when not treated early. In addition, chemicals on the skin will prevent the skin from regenerating and breathing while you are asleep. Face cleansing should ideally be done once a day, as mentioned earlier, unless your teens are active in after school sport or outdoor activities, where intense sweating or exposure to dust and grime are part of the activity. Also avoid letting your kids use body lotion on their faces, if they feel that their skin needs moisturizing, since the skin from the neck up is more sensitive and requires delicate attention, most especially since majority of body lotions available in the market contain certain ingredients that can cause reactions on facial skin. Lack of sleep, experts say, is one of the major reasons of unhealthy skin. If one wants a good skin, he or she should get better sleep by cutting down on foods that are too rich or fatty so there will be lesser work for the stomach especially at nighttime. 3. Too much spicy or acidic foods. These sets of foods can very much affect one's skin because if one eats too many sets of spicy foods, it can lead to troubles in the stomach and even prickly skin. Once absorbed by the body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A that helps in making skin cells and keeping them replenished and healthy. If there is not enough vitamin A, the skin is dry and flaky. Vitamin C, on the other hand, has potent antioxidant properties and helps in collagen formation. Sufficient amount of vitamin C in the body keeps the skin young-looking and fresh. 

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