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10 Things I’m Eating EVERYDAY While Pregnant as a Nutritionist

With the help of an Internet capable computer, parents can now access their baby cameras anywhere at any time. Most of the time however, this system is used to keep tabs on your nanny, caretaker or babysitter instead of the baby. You may want to make sure that whoever is in charge of your baby at that moment in time is giving his or her utmost care and love. 1) Change The Frequency of Your Device Wireless devices such as baby monitors are created to have the ability to change frequencies. This ability of these devices can help in resolving any interference problems. If you think this is difficult to do, think again. It can be as easy as just flicking a simple switch on the device. If you have a preference for multiple-handset-capable wireless phones with a handset-conferencing option, pick one that makes use of only the 1.9GHz or 5.8GHz channel. 4. Switch on the baby monitor first. To get the best possible reception and transmission from a 2.4GHz baby monitor with video capability, switch off all 2.4GHz devices in your house. With the new feature of these monitors, parents are not only able to provide for the safety of their children by being able to hear possible problems from a distance, but they are also given the chance to solve certain problems or bond more with their child by talking through the portable parent unit. As a rule, you need to place the radio transmitter within 10 feet of the crib so that it can pick up even the slightest sounds made by your baby such as breathing and movement. You can then carry the portable receiver around during the day or just leave it plugged in at the side of your bed at nighttime. With this, it would be easier for you to keep an eye on the child while working. A light alarm that activates whenever it picks up sound is always a good feature of the gadget. This becomes very useful in instances wherein you might be preoccupied with loud noises in the area such as the sound of the television or vacuum. 

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