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These devices provide an extra ear and extra eye to ensure the safety of the little ones. In the past, baby monitors were simple gadgets making use of a transmitter and receiver system. But now, as modern day technology progresses, so do the baby monitors. As of today, digital baby monitors have risen up to provide parents better quality and functionality when it comes to baby monitors. But on the other hand, manufacturing companies of these digital monitors claim that the amount of radiation that their baby monitors emit are at levels that do not pose serious danger to children. Phillips is one of these manufacturing companies that claim that the level of electro-smog released by their gadgets are 10,000 times lower from the safety norms that are accepted internationally. With the new feature of these monitors, parents are not only able to provide for the safety of their children by being able to hear possible problems from a distance, but they are also given the chance to solve certain problems or bond more with their child by talking through the portable parent unit. What are Baby Monitors Baby monitors are technological device that serve as a pseudo mother who is in vigil at bedside. It is a radio transmitter that release FM (Frequency Modulated) signal most commonly between the ranges of 48,830 to 48,890 MHz. These devices have two components, the transmitter and the receiver. This includes router and wireless/ cordless phones. The baby s and parents units should also be placed as far away from the microwave oven since it can also cause great interference. 3) If you have money to splurge on these kinds of devices, you can go for digital baby monitors instead of the analog ones. Each time the baby wails, the alarm system triggers the rod to forewarn and awaken the parents. Some baby monitors even come with LCD screens that allow you to literally watch over your baby. This is especially valuable to deaf parents since what they lack in hearing, they can make up for in visual observation. 

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