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- Do not position a baby monitor's transmitter or receiver near water. Like any electronic device, baby monitors can cause an electrical shock if not used properly. - Adhere to the manufacturer's strict instructions at all times with regard to the usage and the placement of baby monitors inside your home. This efficient and compact device is made up of two parts: the radio transmitter and the portable receiver. A baby monitor is especially useful when your little one is still very young. By means of the receiver, you will be able to monitor awakenings in the middle of the night. In this way, you will know when your baby needs feeding, a diaper change or, perhaps, your mere presence and the comfort of your touch. " A solution developed to counter this problem simply states that parents should put the baby monitor as far away as possible from the child without sacrificing the quality of monitoring. This way, exposure to the harmful waves is, if not eliminated, at least minimized. This next issue can be a disadvantage for some people but not for others. This will serve as a backup in case the apnea monitor fails to detect apnea because it will also manifest in the heart rate of the baby. Another must have feature is a remote alarm. Even if you are not in the same room with the baby, a remote monitor will notify you if anything goes wrong. It must also have a power loss alarm. What is Electro-SMOG and How Does It Threaten Our Health? Electro-SMOG is the electromagnetic energy that is emitted by common gadgets in our home such as our televisions, cordless phones, microwaves and digital baby monitors. Studies have been made over the years claiming that too much exposure to electro-SMOG can result to health problems affecting the nervous system of the body. 1) Signals coming from wireless devices usually clash with other signals from other wireless devices running on the same frequency. When this clashing occurs, wireless interference occurs. So to avoid interference, change the frequency of your baby monitor every once in a while and make sure that the frequency you use does not clash with frequencies of other devices. 

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