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Despite the pandemic and inflation, the medical tourism industry is booming. Here’s why.

Other Responsible Agencies The Medical Tourism Association is a pioneer non-profit trade group for medical tourism. It is comprised of health care providers, international hospitals, insurance companies, medical travel advisers and other agencies that commit to providing patients with excellent health care globally. Going to Israel Israel is a Jewish State situated in Western Asia. Several countries border it, such as Egypt, Syria, Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. Although Israel is considerably small in terms of size, you will find that the medical institutions are globally competitive. You can also enjoy your trip more because of its rich culture and many famous biblical and archaeological sites. Some of the popular procedures done in the country include dental work, plastic surgery and heart surgery. Korea and Singapore Korea is one of the hottest medical tourism destinations today. Japanese patients usually go to Korea to avail of cheaper prices and the modern medical equipment and facilities. Irregular and uneven teeth can be guided to the right place via orthodontics. Malformed teeth can also be covered using artificial items like porcelain. In a number of cases, the teeth will have to be replaced or removed using artificial ones. Orthodontia is the process of taking out teeth by installing plastic and wire braces that will gradually push and pull these into the right alignment using adjacent teeth. Whatever your choice may be, it is important that you learn more about the country to blend well with the locals and have the vacation of your life. Here are some more nations that decided to become globally competitive in medical tourism. Thailand Thailand is the number one choice of most medical tourists because of its wide range of medical expertise and the several available tourist hotspots all over the country. Consult your own local physician about the medical institution you are eyeing on and ask for honest feedback. Reading Packages You should find out more about the package you plan to get. Determine the kind of accommodations available, how you will be transported from the airport to your hotel and finally, to the hospital, duration of the stay, if you are allowed a medical or travel companion and which areas you will most likely visit. 

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