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Dubai is a global health-tech and medical tourism destination

Some of these consider medical tourism as a major industry and are creating better buildings, facilities, equipment, as well as researching newer technologies to stay updated. It is important that you research more about the institution and country you are eyeing on, since there are also unscrupulous agencies offering seemingly quality services and care online. It has also been very active in providing programs and aims to get more accreditation in its many hospitals to become one of the top medical tourist destinations in the world. At present, there are 13 hospitals in the country that are accredited by the JCI. Some of the most common procedures that patients look for when visiting include cosmetic surgery, dental work, heart surgery and cancer treatment. British women, as a result, go to Spain and Belgium for donor insemination. The laws have been changed, however, so Spain and Belgium now purchase donor sperm overseas to meet the growing demand. Other Swedish visitors go to Denmark each year for insemination. Denmark allows single women to receive artificial insemination. You should check how often they upgrade their equipment and tools, as well as which technologies are already available in their area. The tools and facilities available should be modern, with regards to your case. This way, you get the highest quality of treatment possible without having to pay as much. The Growth of Cosmetic Surgery In the past decade, the number of people going for cosmetic surgery has significantly grown. With the start of medical tourism, even more individuals are going under the knife because of cheaper costs and the availability of modern equipment and technology to perform the different operations. If you are aiming to get cosmetic surgery abroad, you have to ensure that the country you are visiting has a solid background on that area. Here are some more tips. Initial Tips Research medical tourism packages first and check the background and credentials of the health care provider. The patient has to ensure that the practice complies with the standards and regulations set by the foreign country's regulatory body. 

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