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Top 5 Countries for Good Quality and Affordable Medical Treatments

Compared to other nations in Central America, Costa Rica has high standards of living, as well as a peaceful democratic rule. Some of the favorite activities by medical tourists are scuba diving, surfing, swimming, parasailing and sunbathing. Costa Ricans mainly speak Spanish, although a lot of medical institutions in the area require most of their staff to be good at English as well. Breast augmentation will cost you around $6000 to $6500 in America, but getting it in Southeast Asia will only cost you about $2000 to $3000. Expect to spend around $8000 to $8500 for breast lifts in the States. If you plan to get it overseas, you can slash costs by 40% to 75%. Breast reduction will charge you about $8000 to $9000 in first world countries. The main reasons that foreigners go to other countries to seek attention is the lower price offered by developing countries and legalities concerning the procedure in their home nation. The major procedures done include donor insemination and in-vitro fertilization. The term was also proposed to be "reproductive exile" to focus on the difficulties that infertile patients have to face, having to travel globally to receive treatment. The waiting list is significantly shorter in Asia, so you can expect to have the procedure a day or two after you arrive. You can also gain advantage of medical tourism packages wherein you get transportation to and from your hotel, meal bookings and tours around the city before and after your operation. Some patients are not allowed to travel unless they display normal health levels. Some of the things your doctor will check include your blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, mental ability and other physical signs. Making Reservations Before choosing any medical institution, make sure that it is accredited with the known agencies, such as JCI and Trent. Patients who travel abroad can expect to pay only 10% to 40% of the cost they are charged in the States. What kind of treatments can I receive? Medical tourism now includes virtually any type of treatment, provided that the institution or hospital has adequate facilities, equipment and staff to supervise and conduct the treatment. 

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