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Why do people participate in medical tourism? | NewsNation Live

There are several reasons why people choose to move to other countries to get treated, such as the high cost of getting treatment in first world countries, the long waiting lists before you get treatment, the ease and convenience of modern travel, the added benefit of getting a vacation as you recover, the higher standards of care and modern technology availability in developing nations. Laws and Regulations The patient should be informed about the various laws and regulations regarding his care and the procedure to be done. For example, fertility clinics or in-vitro fertilization are not allowed or are strictly regulated in some countries. The patient may choose to travel abroad to take advantage of some lenient policies. European Choices Even though Asian and South American countries are the most popular choices, Europe has also grown in medical tourism. There are so many European nations now offering medical tourism packages, such as Germany, Hungary, Malta, Spain, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Portugal, Poland and Lithuana. Some may become victims of medical malpractice and other errors because the medical institution failed to comply with the given standards or does not have sufficient accreditation. First, study and review the procedure you are going through. Are you healthy physically and mentally to undergo treatment? Insurance and Medical Tourism A lot of people are wondering if their current insurance policy can cover medical tourism packages. You should know that some individuals have fallen prey to dishonest individuals who promise quality treatment and accommodations but are truly only interested in getting their cash quickly. These include Thailand, Malaysia, India and the Philippines. The diseases may not be present in other nations like the United States and European countries. Weakened individuals may be exposed to the problems, like malaria, HIV, avian flu, tuberculosis and typhoid. Some of these diseases are considered rare in first world countries. 

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