Micro airbrushing is also a valuable skill for an airbrush artist if they airbrush small model cars. By acquiring the skills needed to do micro airbrushing the artist can capture more detail in their airbrush art on the model car. Imagine being able to create realistic eyes on a dragon you just airbrushed onto the hood of a small model car? These paints clean up with water while they are still wet. So if you do get any on the skin or another surface where not needed then clean up immediately while it is still wet. The paint will become permanent when it dries. There are a lot of possibilities with acrylic nail art paint that you can do when creating your airbrush art. When looking at what airbrushing does when used to apply makeup, a lot of people do believe that this is a form of airbrush art. When make up is airbrushed on the effects of what it does to the subject can be really drastic. Take a woman who has flawed skin and airbrush a light foundation onto her face and you now have a woman with perfect skin. Magazines such as Hot Rod, Airbrush Action, AutoGraphics, Easy Rider, Mini-Truckin have featured Shanteau's airbrush art in their publications. These of course are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to publications that have featured her work. Shanteau does not just create brilliant airbrush art, she also teaches others how to create the same high quality airbrush art that she herself creates. With airbrushed tattoos you can get rid of it with baby oil or just wait about 7 days and then it is gone. No need to go and get an even bigger tattoo to cover up the offending one or go through the hassle of laser surgery. To do airbrush art in the form of tattoos you will need certain products. First off you will need an airbrush gun, 10' Hoses braded hose, stencils, glass airbrush bottles and an air manifold. The publication has buyer's guides, tips and tricks, artist bios and so much more that is sure to be appreciated by any airbrush artist. By offering a major theme each month there is more chance of appealing to a wide array of readers. If you are into automotive airbrushing then by grabbing one of their automotive issues you are guaranteed to get an issue that really goes all out on automotives instead of just a few mentions in the magazine on that particular niche of airbrush art.
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