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Barbie - Time to Move House | Ep.72

Three Weeks to Go At three weeks to go, you'll hopefully have finished packing your cupboards - you'll be able to start packing any non essential belongings and put them away too. If you're painting any rooms, its a good idea to try to do so in the next few days, so its all ready, and order any packing supplies you want or need. You may also want to get bank details or arrange a good time to come and collect rent. Any final paperwork can be signed now, and then you can start making your new place your own. You should also ensure that the central heating and boiler are working correctly and collect any manuals for these from the previous occupant these manuals will save you a lot of frustration in the long run. Your job too plays a huge part in picking a house - can you easily travel to your place of work, and more importantly, is the area able to offer a similar job, should the worst happen? You can also balance isolation and city life with what you prefer - if you prefer a quieter pace of life, its better to move to a town, though you may find that houses further out of cities may cost slightly more. Everything should be in place for you by now if not, you should follow up on any loose ends that will affect your first days in your new house as soon as possible. At two days to go, if you haven't got a van with power points, you'll need to start defrosting your freezer. Easier said than done, but it saves you having to clean up water in the van, or worse, damaging your boxes and bags because your freezer has leaked. Small and home offices are also usually quite interesting to move - a new area for local clients and a nightmare for people that run services online, so its important to plan accordingly and ensure that you've made plans to cover yourself during the move. Your small office may be the last thing you actually pack fully, but you can start by cleaning through your paperwork and ensuring everything you've got has storage - if you run a craft business or have a hobby that takes up space, its always good practice, as soon as you've heard you'll be moving, to start clearing and boxing up your non essential supplies. You should never redirect your major bills, such as your bank statements, credit card statements, notices of payments from people or anything that can be used as ID with the increase of identity theft on the rise, its important to consider what you're going to be leaving behind when moving. You can't guarantee that the people moving in to your old home will forward your billing information or other sensitive documents, so its important to ensure you know what you've got to transfer and keep a list so that you can mark off what you're transferring bills. 

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