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Farmhouse Relocated in Newmanstown, PA

Dark paintwork is a definite turn off as are stained, worn or smelly carpets both of which need to be taken care of. On the latter, you could offer an 'allowance' or remove a fraction of the house costs for carpets or, if you can, invest yourself and replace them, to allow a possibly higher sale price. You'll need to go out and buy at least the basics saving the 'big shop' until you've unpacked your kitchen. You'll probably unpack that and your living room, and if you're not taking long off work, your home office first. Unpacking takes place over six to twelve weeks, depending on your family, and you may find that you have to permanently store items in a garage, basement or attic, because there just isn't the room for them. Houses are considered to be easiest to sell when they are clean, tidy, free of clutter, and the walls are neutrally toned - some sites and experts suggest painting your walls white, others suggest that you should paint them with pale, neutral, matching colors. If this isn't possible, it is important to make sure your walls are clean - removing clutter and cleaning woodwork and painted walls, can give your room a much needed lift. It should outline what your responsibilities are to do with the house - whether you'll be responsible for the house - whether you'll be required to keep the garden, if you have one - what bills your rental cost covers, what taxes and fees to do with the house you'll be required to pay and how long your lease is for. Three Weeks to Go At three weeks to go, you'll hopefully have finished packing your cupboards - you'll be able to start packing any non essential belongings and put them away too. If you're painting any rooms, its a good idea to try to do so in the next few days, so its all ready, and order any packing supplies you want or need. While doing this, you'll also be getting a feel for where you can place any furniture, how to get it up any stairs or even just into the house. Note down any damage or concerns you have to be discussed with whomever you're dealing with its important to have these notes before moving anything in so that you can get the problems remedied as soon as possible. 

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