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I Move Tomorrow & I haven't Started Packing...PACK WITH ME IN ONE DAY!

com - two great sites that help you plan your move and give you an idea where to start. Most importantly, you need to start planning as soon as you know you're moving - so that you're as organized as possible. Whether you're selling your house or moving due to a new baby, need for more, or less space, because you're renting and need to move on, or are going to let your own house and move into another one - moving can be stressful. Large photos, framed items and paintings other wall based items are easiest wrapped in bubble-wrap and then placed carefully in a safe place they'll need to be monitored carefully when moving, as anything falling against them could cause serious damage, tear or break them. By far and away, the most awkward items to move are computer monitors and TV are the hardest to move unless you've kept their boxes, you'll find it very difficult to either fit them into a box that you have acquired, or find that you need the boxes for other things. From companies who will show up and move you and your belongings to companies who will pack, clean and move your belongings from place to place. There are also more and more 'complete' package companies springing up, designed especially professionals - allowing them to move to their job, without the hassle of it all. With two weeks to go you'll probably want to consider telling your mobile phone provider that you're moving, and consider letting your regular clients know that you'll have a new address. Most businesses have items shipped to them if your suppliers deliver to you regularly, you will need to contact them to let them know that your address is changing. Bags also work well with linens. 3) Whilst packing, it s important to maximize space - and pack your biggest objects first, and fill space around them. Books are easiest to pack, odd shaped, awkward items such as ornaments and other items are the worst to pack, and both types should go in boxes, as should dishes and other objects that are considered fragile. Access includes whether its a long way to your front door, or if parking is readily available, or conversely, difficult. Booking your own van can be pretty straight forward - once you work out how large a van you need. An average four bedroom house requires around a ten tonne van, but some families have less belongings, and some have more, so its important to judge carefully and ask around rental firms for their opinion. 

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