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Storage is great if you're needing to move out of one house before your other hoese is ready or when you've sold your old house but haven't finished arranging the new one. It saves the you having to work out what to do with your things. It's also a good idea when you have too much furniture for your new house, and no where to store it yourself and while garages and basements are great for short term storage, they aren't protected, in some cases against the elements, nor, possibly insured against accidents, such as fires or flood. You could hold a yard sale, or garage or even a car boot sale - or if you have enough time, auction them online, either via a recognized site, or through your own website, if you have the know how - getting rid of the things you don't need is both very freeing and releasing, and can actually generate you some extra money for the move. These can be wrapped in sheets or dust covers and placed, with padding around them, in the van once the boxes are in. Most removal companies bind layers to stop them from shifting or falling, so you can secure your monitors, and computers in the same way. Fragile items, such as ornaments and dishes can go in polystyrene bead lined boxes, or be packed in bubble wrap, but its important to remember that this will cut down on the volume of the items you can fit into the box, and its still no guarantee that they will survive the move. You may also want to start making a list of any items you'll need when you move to your new house anything you've ran out of or will use before the move, so that you can buy more once you're in your new house. You should also consider, if possible, cleaning any rooms you're not going to use much. Give them a through scrubbing it will save you having to do it (or hire someone to do it) on the last few days before your move. Many people appreciate personalized notices that their friends and family have moved so you should send out the last of those items now. You may also want to consider a 'house cooling' party use paper plates and disposable cups and make an adventure of it you could even talk your family and friends into some last minute packing/painting help. Empty one room at a time, and ensure the cupboards (if they are walk in) are also empty once its done, sweep, mop or vacuum, and do one final pickup then close the door. Make it clear to the others helping you that sealed rooms are finished with, so that people aren't trailing dirt into rooms that are finished and clean. 

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