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Arranging Storage Sometimes, there isn't enough room for all of your belongings and arranging storage, on top of moving can be a blessing in disguise or a nightmare. So you need another, convenient, cheap option for your furniture. Storage companies are basically large warehouses or lockups that you can rent and range in size from a box room to an area large enough to store a complete house. By now, you'll probably find that you've got a lot of boxes stacked in several rooms and will be sick of the whole moving process. But in just over a week you'll be in your new home, unpacking. Your appliances should be checked and cleaned with seven days to go you should possibly consider not buying frozen goods at all over the next week, unless you're sure that they won't defrost during the move. Your lease should contain your rent details, and how much grace you'll have if you have problems paying. Your lease will also detail who your landlord is and give you contact details for them. You'll need to consider what your lease should cover - whether you're allowed pets or to redecorate. It should outline what your responsibilities are to do with the house - whether you'll be responsible for the house - whether you'll be required to keep the garden, if you have one - what bills your rental cost covers, what taxes and fees to do with the house you'll be required to pay and how long your lease is for. Fragile items, such as ornaments and dishes can go in polystyrene bead lined boxes, or be packed in bubble wrap, but its important to remember that this will cut down on the volume of the items you can fit into the box, and its still no guarantee that they will survive the move. Careful packing does minimize the risk of things being broken, but one of the only ways to actually ensure that you have no breakages whilst moving is to take them with you, or, if hiring a firm, allowing them to pack. Booking a Removal Company When booking a removal company, its important to do so as far in advance of your move date as possible - removal firms who do all of the packing and moving for you expect to be able to come out and assess your belongings, for insurance and van/person ell cover. It s important to de-clutter, or have a guesstimate of how much you'll have de-cluttered before you move so that they can give you an accurate quote. On the latter, you could offer an 'allowance' or remove a fraction of the house costs for carpets or, if you can, invest yourself and replace them, to allow a possibly higher sale price. Walls should be painted off white, or antique white or possibly very pale and pastel shades if you're planning on redecorating you may have no option if your walls are stained, marked or damaged. 

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