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Moving into our new house

Your small office may be the last thing you actually pack fully, but you can start by cleaning through your paperwork and ensuring everything you've got has storage - if you run a craft business or have a hobby that takes up space, its always good practice, as soon as you've heard you'll be moving, to start clearing and boxing up your non essential supplies. They can clean your house, after your belongings are packed and have professional methods for removing stains, marks and other tricky marks on walls, doors and carpets. Even if you're moving yourself, you may need to hire a professional cleaning firm to fulfill your contract with your landlord. At one month to go you should also start investigating utilities and other things that will transfer with you - moving is a good time to take advantage of any offers that you might get with your phone, electricity, Internet or gas. You'll need to go out and buy at least the basics saving the 'big shop' until you've unpacked your kitchen. You'll probably unpack that and your living room, and if you're not taking long off work, your home office first. Unpacking takes place over six to twelve weeks, depending on your family, and you may find that you have to permanently store items in a garage, basement or attic, because there just isn't the room for them. Some people like to pack their living room last - some like to pack rooms in two lots - one round to remove the non essentials, and one round to complete packing, others still like to pack where they can, when they can. Deciding on what's unimportant and can be packed first is a good place to start. After de-cluttering thoroughly, packing any books, and out of season clothes, you can start deciding on a packing schedule. Houses are considered to be easiest to sell when they are clean, tidy, free of clutter, and the walls are neutrally toned - some sites and experts suggest painting your walls white, others suggest that you should paint them with pale, neutral, matching colors. If this isn't possible, it is important to make sure your walls are clean - removing clutter and cleaning woodwork and painted walls, can give your room a much needed lift. Rental Contracts When renting a house, you have to consider your own rights and needs before signing that lease. Leases protect tenants and landlords rights alike - these rights are laid out fully in any lease you sign. Leases are considered legal contracts, so its important you know what you're signing and what you're giving up. 

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