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Pack With ME (I'm Moving AGAIN!)

3) Whilst packing, it s important to maximize space - and pack your biggest objects first, and fill space around them. Books are easiest to pack, odd shaped, awkward items such as ornaments and other items are the worst to pack, and both types should go in boxes, as should dishes and other objects that are considered fragile. If you're moving long distance, its always good to research, throughly, by phone and if possible, in person, how much access you'll have to your furniture, and belongings, and what sort of notice you need to give you'll also need to work out what is going into storage and how much space you'll need for it all. If you're letting from a landlord, he'll give you a list of any fittings, fixtures and furniture he's leaving its very common nowadays for landlords to leave 'white goods' kitchen appliances, such as the fridge, freezer, washing machine and cooker. If you're letting, your landlord should also give you contact details, emergency repair numbers and any paperwork pertaining to these emergency repairs that you may need. The move itself should be planned the same way as you would any other move but remember, the more you're moving, the more petrol you'll need. A 400 mile move MAY end up costing you the same as renting a van in the UK a move out of the country may be cost prohibitive, and it may be easier just to sell everything and start fresh when you get there. It s important to de-clutter, or have a guesstimate of how much you'll have de-cluttered before you move so that they can give you an accurate quote. If you overestimate the space you need, you'll not get a refund, and find that space is wasted especially, if you book a larger van than you require. Too small and you may find that your belongings don't fit, or that you get charged extra. You'll need to decide whether you're moving yourself and just hiring a van, or hiring a van and moving team. Or even hiring a company to take care of it all, from packing to moving you to your new home and arranging your belongings so that you can unpack. You may also need some basic information on the amount of items you want to move, the sizes of your bulky items, and whether you'll be moving into a house that's up stairs or an elevator - and what access you have, as some companies charge premiums for this if you're using their team to move. 

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