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Its hard to sell your house without help, but one of the biggest tips you can take to ensure your house sells is to make sure you've removed your 'imprint'. Looking at the house impartially, remove anything that screams 'my personality' and 'my personal space'. Things like photos, pieces of unique artwork, and ornaments and more can be removed before people come to view the house. Booking your Van Unless you're moving a very short distance and can do many hops in your own transport - or if you're moving with a group of people (such as in the Military), or your family has access to a suitable van, its important to book your van as far in advance as possible, to allow you to ensure that you get your van. Often you can research amenities, such as local shops, schools, leisure areas and more online, which may ease the burden of investigating all of that personally. Highly rated amenities should make it easier to choose between two areas, but its also important to consider what you're looking for in an area. , or may have a little leeway. Booking at one month in advance (or more) also means its easier to collect and decide, impartially on the quotes you collected in the previous weeks. These quotes may have seemed a long way off, but at 30 or so days until you move, it may seem like a long way off, but depending on the size of your house it may be no time at all. Its impractical to even try to consider being organized and unpacked within one day, unless you have very few belongings, so you should try to unpack in the order you packed, or as close to it as possible placing boxes in or near the room you're planning to unpack may be impractical, depending on the size of the house, but makes things easier. Packing clothes into suitcases or bags means that they are easy to transport, and easy to fit into spare spaces in your transport, but you need to make sure that the bags or cases are sturdy enough to contain your belongings well. Cheap bags are no good if you need to use two of them or they burst when you pick them up. 

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