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Your bank, credit card, mobile phone and utilities should all know that you're moving and on which date you're transferring to that address so all that remains now is to make sure that you have new utilities in your new house and that they have a definite date for beginning. The last week of packing is everything you have left with an eye to ensuring that you'll be able to live out of as few boxes as possible and seal the rest. And while it, and de-cluttering while you go, is an essential aspect of moving, there are a few things you can do to make the time go faster. Clear out your biggest cupboards first - you can store boxes and other packed items in there - and those cupboards may just be full of clutter too - once you've cleared the cupboards, sweep and wipe down the surfaces and then use those cleared spaces for the boxes you're not using now and won't use until after your move. Most companies provide insurance and are consummate professionals, but some can cause more damage than the cost of hiring them, and its important to have redress when moving belongings. Their insurance should be carefully examined to make sure it covers everything - this will also give you an idea of what they will and won't pack - and what extras (such as mattress covering) they'll provide. From ornaments to dishes, antiques, photos and lights, you'll need to consider what you're packing, and how best to transport them. Large photos, framed items and paintings other wall based items are easiest wrapped in bubble-wrap and then placed carefully in a safe place they'll need to be monitored carefully when moving, as anything falling against them could cause serious damage, tear or break them. In these cases, you should make the most of the change, and unpack as much as you can. After a month or two, your life will be back into its work/life/sleep pattern so consider any break from it, if you can, a holiday of sorts. Once your utilities are all reconnected, you may find you have less time to unpack, so its good to get as much of it out of the way as possible. If this isn't possible, it is important to make sure your walls are clean - removing clutter and cleaning woodwork and painted walls, can give your room a much needed lift. If you're de-cluttering, you can also begin packing whilst doing so, but considering some houses sell up to three months before you're planning on moving OR up to a year after you've moved, its also important not to plan to sell straight away, unless your house is in a highly sought after area, and you've got a good, competitive price. 

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