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WE'RE MOVING! packing up the old house... (moving ep. 1) | Nicole Laeno

From moving a few doors down, to across a continent, moving house is one of the most important things, and sometimes the hardest to organize. From collecting supplies - buying boxes and tape, to packing your house up, cleaning and moving to your new home, its an adventure for all involved. Small and home offices are also usually quite interesting to move - a new area for local clients and a nightmare for people that run services online, so its important to plan accordingly and ensure that you've made plans to cover yourself during the move. Things like photos, pieces of unique artwork, and ornaments and more can be removed before people come to view the house. Remember they want to buy the house, not feel how you lived there, so if you haven't finished boxing up your non essentials by the time you start showing them the house, its time to consider whether you really need the clutter still unpacked or whether its time to put it in the bin. Its always a good idea to make sure your landlord is responsible for any breakages, such as the heating, boiler, or plumbing - and that you are only responsible for minor breakages, if at all. Optional additions to your lease might include whether you're responsible for window breakages, and other minor things - and whether you need to take out insurance to cover your property or whether that's included. This will all help in your new house. Always remember to mark bags you're using for belongings clearly so that they don't get mistaken for rubbish - or buy completely different bags for your rubbish and your belongings. 5) While it may only take you a couple of weeks to pack, it can take eight weeks - or MORE to unpack at the other end - so though you're 'just boxing items up for a couple of days' remember that you may not find it for up to two months, or perhaps more. Three Weeks to Go At three weeks to go, you'll hopefully have finished packing your cupboards - you'll be able to start packing any non essential belongings and put them away too. If you're painting any rooms, its a good idea to try to do so in the next few days, so its all ready, and order any packing supplies you want or need. While doing this, you'll also be getting a feel for where you can place any furniture, how to get it up any stairs or even just into the house. Note down any damage or concerns you have to be discussed with whomever you're dealing with its important to have these notes before moving anything in so that you can get the problems remedied as soon as possible. 

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